In a video that introduces his 2020 calendar, Riot has announced that it will be introducing a new Volibear next month, the October 10 or 10 November update. However, a few League of Legends generals expected to be released this year will have to delay due to the impact of Covid-19.

Information about the new Volibear launch did not surprise fans, when Riot announced it would release this champion as soon as possible. There have even been rumors that he will appear immediately in the updated 10.9 League of Legends on April 29.

This edit of Volibear changes his appearance, skills, costumes and effects. Accordingly, the new face of Lightning Bear will be "wild", more warrior-like and more inclined to the beast, but still retains its nobility. Regarding gameplay, Riot "teases" before that E skills and ult skills of Volibear will have major changes, as well as asserting that he "still chasing and controlling opponents".

As for the new generals expected to appear this year after the launch of the new Volibear, Riot will step back a bit to ensure the safety of project participants around the world. , according to Jessica "Safelocked" Nam, a senior employee of Riot. However, she asserted, "we will still try to release all the scheduled champions."

Riot has revealed that there will be a jungler and a short-handed carry champion to be debuted in League of Legends this year. Many people think that Yone, Yasuo's brother will be one of those two generals.